A Bit Of Light

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By Breakfast Television | BT Toronto 07 Oct, 2024
"I have the best job in the world.." Matthew Modine on the popular Toronto, Canada morning show Breakfast Television (BT), speaking about independent films' importance in the industry, his passion for it and the Martini Shot.
By Michael Talbot-Haynes / Film Threat 08 Apr, 2024
MOVIE SCORE: 7.5/10 "…brings an electricity onscreen which hums in the air" The performances are of the highest caliber, as one would expect, considering the pedigree. Paquin waltzes with self-deception and realization with an authority that few others could muster. Winstone does what he is the best at, which is why he is the one and only. The surprise acting juggernaut here is Hogan, who is completely smashing as the mysterious Neil.
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Double Dutch International (DDI) is a globally recognized sales and production company, representing high level, cast driven features with strong commercial viability worldwide, across all media platforms. DDI uniquely blends experience with the flexibility to adapt in today's market reality.

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